Gurukul, LLC offers authentic Yoga to all ages in the community. GYHC offers a unique therapeutic yoga teacher training as a Registered Yoga School, RYS 200 and RYS 300 with Yoga Alliance as well as a supporting member school of International Association of Yoga Therapists.
The term Yoga has its verbal root 'Yuj,' in Sanskrit, which means "to join." Yoga derives from the same root as the English word 'Yoke', "to join." Yoga was systematized by a sage (sage = scientist + saint) called Patanjali, who, around 300 BC codified the teachings into 196 short aphorisms or sutras. Yoga-sutras of Patanjali is a great text of psychology. Patanjali had analyzed human mind in a very scientific fashion.
Patanjali described Yoga as 'control of mind and its modifications or thoughts'. The Bhagvad Gita says : 'Samatvam Yoga uchyate'. 'Evenness of mind is Yoga'.
The focal point of the above definitions is the mind. The developed mind is what distinguishes the humans from the rest of the species. The developed mind is a boon as well as a curse to the mankind. There are many metaphors used to describe the unsteady nature of our mind. The mind is like a monkey jumping from one branch to another, or like a wild bull difficult to tame.
Yoga has many benefits for all ages and for all stages of your life for preventing and reversing dis-ease: E.g. those dealing and in need of healing from
- Stress
- Allergies
- Injuries
- Arthritis
- Digestion
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Diabetes
- High BP
GYHC is a Science of Living institution serving all ages with authentic Yoga and Holistic therapy at affordable tuition, focused on creating Friends Of Yoga (YOGA-MITRA) for harmony, health, and happiness.
A typical Friends of Yoga Program consists of consistent practice of body warm-ups followed by breath warm-ups, postures to build strength, flexibility, tone and improving circulation, and to relieve back and neck pain; breathing techniques to improve lung capacity to build stamina, resistance to allergies, asthma, coughs and colds, manage and reduce stress, anxiety, anger and pain; conscious relaxation to create a healing environment in the body and mind, and meditation to clear the mind and improve concentration and focus.
Benefits of Yoga are tremendous! Experience them all here! GYHC also offers holistic services including Reiki, Nutritional Counseling, Herbal Remedies, and Aromatherapy.
Consistent Yoga practice benefits you at all levels of your existence (physical, mental, social, spiritual) with strength, flexibility, resistance to disease along with pain, anxiety and anger management giving you a true peace of mind in turn helping you at all stages of your life with studies, sports, relationships, growing old gracefully and much much more!! We have included one example below.
Yoga for children? Yes! 
- Children ages 3-5 (Yoga-Mitra Mommy&Me) can attend with a parent or caregiver;
- Youth, ages 6 and above (Yoga-Mitra Youth) can attend without parent/care-giver and have fun growing up
- Classes can be 30 minutes to 1-hour with centering, warm ups, engaging Yoga, breath-work, quiet time and fun-with-humming sounds
- Benefits for children are many! Self esteem, mental focus, strength, relief from allergies, relief from depression or anxiety, enhances sports and school performance
- Please call (512) 445 4457 to register
Did you know martial arts originated from Yoga?
Yoga develops many wonderful qualities in children. Besides the obvious benefits of making the physical body strong and flexible, both Yoga and martial arts sharpen the child’s ability to focus, give self-confidence, and develop self-discipline. And Yoga, practiced regularly, helps children become aware of themselves from the inside out. From this awareness, changes and growth in new and positive directions can blossom. Today's busy lifestyle is creating tremendous stress on children as well and is affecting their physical and mental health. Yoga can build resistance to disease and build stronger immune system and strong minds to counter the bullies inside and outside!
A » Awareful
B » Breathing
C » Calm
D » Defense against disease
E » Ease
F » Focus
G » Guru (teacher)
H » Harmony Health and Happiness
I » Intelligence
J » Joy
K » Kind
L » Love
M » Meditation
N » New You!
O » Om
P » Peace
Q » Quiet
R » Relaxation
S » Stretch
T » Thoughts
U » Union
V » Vitality
W » Watchful
X » Xtraordinary
Y » Yoga!!!!
Z » Zzzzzzzz Sleep Better!
Happy New Year to the Courtsiders! New Year, New You is a natural choice for the topic for this first article of 2009 in the series “Yoga for Tennis”. Please refer to the 2008 Courtsider issues for the previous articles on Yoga for Tennis.